Chapter 5, Part 2
After a morning of surfing I decided to treat the boys to a little ride around the countryside. Since Mark's trike is at the dealership for service he had to tag along in the draggin' wagon.
There's nothing like getting fresh country air on your trike.
It was some easy crusin'...for me anyway. Scott's getting quite a workout though.
Finally we come to some civilization in the form of a drive thru beverage store. Man, am I parched.
I know I shouldn't, but this is my second Mountain Dew of the day, which typically makes me lose control.
What do they mean "No Bicycle Riding in Parking Lot"! It's just THE MAN trying to bring me down.
| Wooo Hooo!! This is what happens when I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew. |
While on our journey, we came across this drag strip in Colorado. I talked Scott into entering the race, but since we were the only two in our class, we had to race each other for the championship. The tree came down and I left on green. Unfortunately for Scott, he thought he had mechanical problems off the line. The problem was, he was still pulling Mark in the draggin' wagon.
Here's me and the boys in the winner's circle. Over here, Scott!
We continued on our journey. Here we are hanging out with some new friends at the world famous Laugh Factory in Hollywood, California. This way, Scott!
After a great day of cross country riding, we were heading back to Ohio, when we ran into rain in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We should be back home in time for Chapter 6. See ya soon!
Click here for Chapter 6 to see the completed project